Compassion, kindness and respect. These are the most fundamental values any human expects in the way people treat him. But when it comes to treating others, man becomes exceptionally stingy with these! And replaces these with cruelty, apathy and spite. All because he believes he can get away with it. Humans were once a race known for treating their fellow man the way they themselves would rather be treated. But today, they'd do just about anything to their fellow man. Which would also be fine if we rationalized with "Well, he might just be getting his desserts". But the true issue is when man exposes nature to his cruel devices.
I would like to call your attention to mankind's most recent and unfortunately not the worst low - a pregnant elephant that wandered into human settlements being fed explosives just for the fuck of it. Even after the fireworks went off, the elephant did not cause any trouble for any of the humans, but walked around and eventually rested in a pond till it died.
Oh, you unhappy people. Can one of you, any of you, provide a case, no matter how fictional or far fetched, in which this behavior makes sense? No. You bloody can't. Not even the creator himself would be able to explain this unprecedented amount of cruelty. If God were to visit humanity now, he would hang his head in shame of his children's acts against their siblings. Just because we are a few grey cells heavier than other species, what gives us the right to lord over them and act as if their lives are ours to control? The people who perpetrated this atrocity are true examples of the scum of humanity.
This crime against nature is much worse than anything ever done to a human; for the very simple reason that in spite of everything, the elephant did not even know to fight back. It was confused as to why it was rewarded with pain for its peaceful behavior. A few days ago, a dolphin was tortured in another part of our 'oh so morally rich' country. I am truly aghast at this blatant display of inhumanity.
Throughout history, man's quarrel has been with his fellow man for the damnedest of reasons. But now, why does it feel like man has it out for the most harmonious things in all of creation? - Dolphins and Elephants, to list a few. Even in these troubling times where the entire world has slowed down, man's cruelty, apparently, has found new gears.
'Impulses do not a man make'. This is a lesson I learned very recently. Which is true. We are defined by our values and our actions. But I find it hard to believe that humans, bestowed with rational thought, are actually capable of such calculated cruelty. Against their fellow man, sure. Man has axiomatically proven his ability for apathy, antipathy and disdain for his fellow man. I mean, woe befall to me for questioning that. But against animals that don't even fight back? What is wrong with us? Where have we gone wrong?
A friend of mine says mankind has overstayed its welcome in creation.
For the first time, I'm thinking her thought process has some merit. For once, I will not posit a solution. For I myself am not sure if humanity is capable of recovering from this act of brutality. In fact, I do not want mankind to recover from this wound. I want it to become an infected, scabbed itch that forever reminds us that we are not fit to claim free will and a healthy conscience if we do not prevent acts of violence against helpless creatures.
If we cannot stop from reigning our violent impulses against such gentle creatures, maybe we did not ever deserve to crawl out of that primordial soup, after all.
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